
2018年1月9日—選擇GTA5語言轉換工具(GTAVLanguageSwitcher);開啟GTA5語言轉換...Rockstar支援社群Rockstar支援的Twitter·RockstarGames網站 ...,2022年11月14日—RockstarisadynamicallytypedTuring-completeprogramminglanguagedesignedforcreatingcomputerprogramsthatarealsosonglyrics.,,TheRockstarprogramminglanguagespecification.ContributetoRockstarLang...Rockstaralsosupportsauniquelanguagefeatureknownaspoet...

Grand Theft Auto V:支援語言

2018年1月9日 — 選擇GTA 5 語言轉換工具(GTAV Language Switcher); 開啟GTA 5 語言轉換 ... Rockstar 支援社群Rockstar 支援的Twitter · Rockstar Games 網站 ...


2022年11月14日 — Rockstar is a dynamically typed Turing-complete programming language designed for creating computer programs that are also song lyrics. at main

The Rockstar programming language specification. Contribute to RockstarLang ... Rockstar also supports a unique language feature known as poetic literals.


2018年7月22日 — a statically typed, procedural, esoteric programming language and reference implementation. It is designed such that source code looks like ...


As in many C-style languages, Rockstar supports compound assignment ... Rockstar also supports a unique language feature known as poetic literals.

Grand Theft Auto V: Supported Languages

Question: What languages does Grand Theft Auto V support? Are these languages included in all versions or does language support vary depending on the region ...

Repos, Riffs, and the Rockstar Programming Language

While the Rockstar programming language itself is kind of weird, the codebase is just a JavaScript project, complete with documentation in markdown. However, ...

Rockstar language

Rockstar is a computer programming language designed for creating programs that are also hair metal power ballads. Here's Fizzbuzz in Rockstar. Midnight takes ...

The Rockstar programming language specification

Rocky is a fully spec-compliant Rockstar implementation written in Java, and is currently the only Rockstar implementation that includes support for the DEC64 ...